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Massachusetts Resource Guide for Fathers
Fathers are increasingly on the front lines of childcare, and we at The Fatherhood Project and the National Basketball Association Players Association Foundation are pleased to provide these dads and the organizations that work with them the Massachusetts Resource Guide for Fathers.
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Watch Parents in Recovery training in action
Watch an overview of Parents in Recovery, which demonstrates our content and especially, our process of involving group members in the learning process. We provide trainees with an immersive, interactive experience where they get to observe the curriculum in action.
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TFP Blog
Fatherhood and Reproductive Health in the Antenatal Period: From Men’s Voices to Clinical Practice
Fatherhood as a positive and critically important topic has not been taken seriously in academia, health communities, obstetrical clinical practice, social policy or business until recent decades.
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Parents in Recovery Training
With over 10 million Americans over age 12 misusing opioids in 2018, The Fatherhood Project at Mass General Hospital has developed Parents in Recovery Program.
Parents in Recovery is a group-based parenting skills program that enhances parents’ emotional engagement with their children to help fathers and mothers in recovery prevent relapse. This evidence-based program has been successful in Massachusetts and we now offer trainings around the country to guide others in its implementation.
Watch Parents in Recovery Training in ActionThe Fatherhood Project provided a great service to the young men at our school that are fathering. Our young dads were able to recognize how important they are in their children's lives and to think about what kind of dad they want to be. TFP’s program is a great resource for our students.
Lauren Bard
Communities in Schools Site Coordinator at Boston English High School