Did you know…About the effects of Father Absence?

DID YOU KNOW highlights key research findings from a study or group of studies that reveal a unique aspect of fatherhood, capture something surprising about fatherhood, or that relate directly to a TFP program area. 


DID YOU KNOW about the effects of Father Absence?

The research is clear about the importance of fathers’ involvement with their children. The study below highlights the fact that a fathers physical and/or emotional absence during childhood has long lasting negative effects on a child’s development.



McLanahan, S., Tach, L., & Schneider, D. (2013). The causal effects of father absence. Annual Review of Sociology, 39(1).


DID YOU KNOW that father absence affects children’s social-emotional development? “There is strong evidence that father absence negatively affects children’s social-emotional development, particularly by increasing externalizing behavior. These effects may be more pronounced if father absence occurs during early childhood than during middle childhood.”

DID YOU KNOW that father absence increases adolescents risky behavior? “We find strong evidence that father absence increases adolescents’ risky behavior, such as smoking or early childbearing…and we do find strong and consistent negative effects of father absence on high school graduation.”

DID YOU KNOW that father absence has longterm negative effects that last into adulthood? “The research base examining the longerterm effects of father absence on adult outcomes is considerably smaller, but here too we see the strongest evidence for a causal effect on adult mental health, suggesting that the psychological harms of father absence experienced during childhood persist throughout the life course.”

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