Engaging Dads in Childhood Obesity Prevention

The Fatherhood Project is excited to be participating in The First 1,000 Days Study with several collaborators from across Massachusetts General Hospital, MGH Health Centers, and other community partners. This promises to be a landmark study of the role early childhood interventions can play in reducing obesity and overweight risk in families and their children.download

The purpose of the study is to develop, implement and support interventions that leverage early life systems and community resources and addresses individual and family social and contextual factors to improve outcomes among vulnerable family units in the “First 1,000 Days” (conception through 24 months of age). The intervention will bring together OB/GYN, and pediatric medical practitioners with the WIC federal grant program and community health programs in a collective effort to improve health and behavioral outcomes for families and their children.  – The Boston Foundation

TFP will assist in creating programs and interventions that engage fathers in developing a healthy lifestyle for their families and participating in obesity prevention for their children.

Our first collective meeting with the full partnership will take place on May 11th. We look forward to working with our MGH partners toward improved health for children and their families, and to sharing more with you as the project progresses.


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